Coming Soon: “Big Honey” Honey Buns are sure to please any donut shop connoisseur. And these are baked, not fried, so why not make a batch right now? I guess you could if I would hurry up and post the recipe. They’re great straight from the oven. And if you should have any left over, they’re even better warmed in the oven the next day with a little pat of butter on top. Whoa, Nellie!
I’ve searched and searched to find a true honey bun recipe. I read books, searched online, and finally decided to just make one on my own. I’ve always loved working with yeast dough. It can be unpredictable, it can be touchy, it can be downright cantankerous at times! But I tried to take out all the guesswork with this recipe. It’s easy to follow, and the video I’m working on will take you through each step, with all questions answered I hope.
Do you have any recipe requests? Something you’d like to see a how-to video on? Please send me a message and let me know. I’ve had requests for pumpkin pie, blueberry pie, cinnamon rolls, tea cakes, and more. I plan on offering an online baking class in the future. Teaching has been part of my life for many years, starting with music. Good music and good food go together! If you have any interest in a baking class, or online music lessons, please visit my contact page and let me know. Thanks, everybody!

Honey Buns before baking.

Honey Buns after glazing.

Baked Apple Fritters using the same dough, adding apples.